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Logo: logo.gif Header:Footer:What is a Wiki - http://www.xwiki.comParis - Dec 11th, 2004
Slide 1
Title: What is a WikiContent:- and what to do with it and XWiki !
- demonstration of S5 by the XWiki Team
Slide 2
Title: What is a Wiki ?Content:- Definition
- "A Wiki or wiki (pronounced "wicky" or "veekee") is a website (or other hypertext document collection) that allows a user to add content, as on an Internet forum, but also allows that content to be edited by anybody. (Wikipedia)
- "Wiki Wiki" means "fast" in hawaiian
- Ward Cunningham created the wiki concept in 1995.
- Main features
- edit, add your content, save => Your content is online
- hyperlinks between Wiki pages and automatic creation management of a new page
- integrated search engine
- "what's new" list of recent modified pages (like a forum)
- automatic versioning and history of the modifications of each page
Slide 3
Title: Why a new concept ?Content:- Word files and emails didn't change sharing
- "The network is the computer" said Scott McNealy
- Wikis are considered the tool providing the "most" collaboration
- It lightens the load on your mailbox and its low cost.
- The challenge is the Change Management related to users working with a tool that is based on another philosophy than the traditional "File based systems".
Slide 4
Title: What can a Wiki do for you ?Content:- Creation and maintenance of an FAQ
- Knowledge Management
- Event organization
- Individual & collective brainstorming
- Off line community management
- Collective Artistic creation
- Teaching Tool
- Corporate projects (Extranets, Intranets, Workflows)
Slide 5
Title: Why is XWiki the best choice ?Content:- Available as a hosted service or as software
- XWiki is open-source (GPL)
- Build on a proven J2EE platform
- Relational Database storage
- An engine and interface for constructing meta data and forms for logical structured data
- Integrated support for programming languages
- Support for multiple languages
Slide 6
Title: New SlideContent:- This slide is here for you to edit.. Add whatever you want