Provided By UJF Branch
- Plug and Play Sensors (using iPOJO+WireAdmin+WireAdminBinder) : data collected for sensors must be add in the extension element of the ECReport.
- EPCIS extension to store sensors data (position, measurement, answers to survey, …) : the data must be extracted from the ECReport by the EPCIS.
- GWT-based User Console relying on the RFIDSuite” EPCIS (developed with EJB3.0)+ extensions (sensors data) : should we keep/discard the “Warning ” features (lost objects, pairing, …): they will be replaced by the BEG, isn’t it ?
- Edge Premice Server Architecture ??? Question: does the AIT branch can model the 3 layer architecture ?
- Communication (JMS, HTTP/SOAP, SMTP, XMPP) between Edge and Premice and between Premice and EPCIS to transport ECReports
- « ONS » based on Web Services and EJB3.0 + WS-Metadata (JSR 181).
- Porting the existing readers (Tagsys, TIRIS, ACS122, Mir:ror) to the HAL wrapper
- Bluetooth bridge as a reader
- HTTP bridge as a reader
- with BT to the Bluetooth Bridge
- with HTTP to the HTTP Bridge
- Management and deployment :
- LDAP for X509 certificates publication and for architecture description
- JMX for configuration and monitoring
- use Felix MOSGi project for the JMX agent
- may be UPnP and DNSSD for Edge and premice mutual dynamic discovery in the warehouse/store network)
- JVisualVM and JConsole plugins for OSGi management (may be contributed to the Apache Felix community).
- Generic build for demopacks (ANT, JMX (and IzPack in the future))