Aspire :: Bundles :: Phidgets

Phidgets are "plug and play" building blocks for low cost USB sensing and control including 125Khz RFID readers.


Sources of the different artifacts are Instructions:
  1. install the phidget.msi from
  2. install the Java library phidget21.jar in the Maven repo with
    mvn install:install-file -DgroupId=com.phidgets -DartifactId=phidget -Dversion=2.1.0 -Dpackaging=jar -Dfile=phidget21.jar
  3. cd trunk/bundles/common/phidgetapi
  4. copy the DLL phidget21.dll in src/main/resources
  5. mvn clean install
  6. cd trunk/bundles/utilities/phidgetapi.cmd
  7. mvn clean install


The utility command phidget inspects connected phidgets.

-> phidget
phidget prop                  : list the properties
phidget list                  : list the available phidgets
phidget listen                : start attach/detach listening
phidget stopListen            : stop attach/detach listening
phidget help                  : display this help
-> phidget prop
List of framework properties
Version: Phidget21 - Version 2.1.7 - Built May 25 2010 12:06:15
