Aspire :: OSGi Bundles :: Bluetooth Server
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1 Aspire :: OSGi Bundles :: Bluetooth Server ---- #toc("" "" "true") ---- 1.1 Goal This bundle provides a multi-client bluetooth server. It provides a BluetoothServerService service when activated, and must be configured before being the server really starts. It uses the [Bluecove JSR82 implementation>], so all the device configuration may be done by setting Java system properties (see [the bluecove documentation>]). The server waits for a new client via a blocking call, so run it in a specific thread. Each client is run in a thread, due to blocking InputStream calls. 1.1 Sample usage 1.1.1 How to start the server {code} // Read properties and threads BluetoothServerService m_server = new BluetoothServerImpl(); // Set the device discoverable m_server.prepareServer(); // Start listening in a special thread m_server.startServer(); {code} 1.1.1 How to stop the server {code} m_server.stop(); {code} 1.1.1 How to configure the server The server can be configured via a property XML file, given as an InputStream parameter to the prepareServer() method. Sample : Read a configuration XML file embedded in the bundle JAR file. {code} m_server.prepareServer(getClass().getResourceAsStream("/bluetoothConfig.xml")); {code} Parameters : {table} Key|Type|Description|Default uuid|String|Server's "Universally" Unique IDentifier| serviceName|String|Server's name| authenticate|boolean|Server needs client authentification|false encrypt|boolean|Communication must be encrypted|false inquiryMode|int|Type of inquiries to respond to (GIAC or LIAC) (see|GIAC debug|boolean|Verbose mode|false readingMode|BYTE, CHAR or UTF|Which DataInputStream reading method must be used (readByte, readChar or readUTF)|CHAR max_threads|int|Maximum number of communication threads (not used)| {table} 1.1.1 How to read data from devices This bundle use a listener model : each class who needs to read communication data must implement the CommunicationListener interface. This interface provides three functions : * commBegin(String logicalName) : Called when a client has just connected the server, logicalName is UUID generated by the server to identify a connection * commEnd(String logicalName) : Called when a client has ended the connection, or when the server stops. * commRead(String logicalName, String data) : Called when the server read a line from the client. The logical name is the client unique identifier, based on its Bluetooth address and its friendly name (if present). {code} class BluetoothComm implements CommunicationListener { private BluetoothServerService m_server; public BluetoothComm() m_server = new BluetoothServerImpl(); m_server.prepareServer(getClass().getResourceAsStream("/bluetoothConfig.xml")); m_server.startServer(); m_server.addCommunicationListener(this); } public void commBegin(String logicalName) { System.out.println("Client connected : " + logicalName); } public void commEnd(String logicalName) { System.out.println("Client gone : " + logicalName); } public void commRead(String logicalName, String data) { System.out.println("Read '" + data + "' from " + logicalName); // Write some data in response try { m_server.getCommunication(logicalName).writeData("ACK\n"); } catch (IOException e) { // Error occurred during write process } } } {code} 1.1 Issues under Linux 1.1.1 License issue * For latest versions BlueZ (v4 and higher), this bundle needs bluecove-gpl library to work, under GPL. * For older versions, it *may* be possible to use bluecove-bluez instead, under Apache License 2.0 (*not tested*). 1.1.1 Rights issue This bundle needs to have root rights in order to set the device discoverable. A solution to bypass this problem is to set the device discoverable in system wide configuration. (It can be done with user rights with gnome-bluetooth, for example). 1.1 Test 1.1.1 Operating systems * Windows ** Windows 7, 32 bits version * Linux ** Fedora 13, 64 bits version, with bluecove-gpl 1.1.1 Dongles * Built-in AsusTEK bluetooth device, with generic drivers 1.1 Hints for future improvements * Control the number of client threads, by aggregating them in a thread pool.